Sunday, September 18, 2011

Be a Beauty Know-It-All!

Hello lovers of all things makeup!
To be the helpful 'guru' I am, I thought I'd make a post about some weird makeup tricks, tips and problem solvers I use to keep my look and makeup in tip-top shape.
Let the weirdness begin!

#1 Coke in the  Dried-Up Mascara Trick.
Now, this is one of the bizarre tricks I learned and it concerns a certain bubbly beverage. If you take a *BRAND NEW* can/bottle of cola (Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper, something caramel-y in color...I use Coke) and take a drop or two, that's all you need, up in a straw and drop it into your old clumpy mascara...viola! The syrup in the beverage re-activates the 'binding' material in your mascara to revitalize your old wink machine.
*I have also tried this with some liquid liners; works fine and dandy.

#2 Need to Harden Wet Nail Polish in a Jiffy?
Dip your nails in ice water, if you can stand it! The cold water makes the molecules slow down and change into a more crystal-like state, making your polish set faster. Yay chemistry!
Do 3 sets of 10 second reps and call me in the morning. ;)

#3 Face+Lemon= Gorgeous Skin!
Watch this from my favorite guru, Kandee Johnson!

#4 Multipurpose Products!
Don't rush out and buy every product for every job nor do you have to use 37 products on your face everyday. Multitask! Most products for the face can be used anywhere on the face, even though they're marketed towards certain areas. Halloween is a perfect time to take advantage of this. If you have a gorgeous pink lipstick and want a blush to match, you can use your lipstick on your cheeks. WHAT?! Yeah! Just dab a bit on the apples, or where ever you want it, and blend. Ta da! Same goes for liners. Want a black lip for Halloween, or just cause your cool like that (holla for the black lip, Jessie J) use a black eyeliner. Line the lips and fill them in. Want a matte finish, tap your lips with matte black eye shadow, or for glossy top with gloss. Get the point? Good, let's dance.

#5 Whiter Teeth
Ok this isn't weird, but I am seriously in love with this product! Plus White 5 Minute Whitening Gel gets the job done on my teeth and it's beyond super easy to use. The system comes with a squishy tray, the gel and a rinse for tartar control and it's about $11 at Walgreens. I, however, do not follow the instructions in the box. I squeeze some on my finger and push it into the crevasses of my teeth all over then bite the tray, instead of filling the tray; you save so much product. I also use it in the shower; a perfect time you don't need to talk or use your teeth at all. Added bonus: you can spit out the foam when it fills your mouth and makes your tongue tingle-y.

There are so many more tips and I will eventually share all my knowledge, but now it's time for beddy bye.
Goodnight and dream sweetly my loves!
fluffy sheep...MissAubrey

**Currently listening to Bad Kids - Lady Gaga (Born This Way Album)

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